How To Keep Mice From Invading Your Home In A City Where They Are Common

If you live in a city or neighborhood where mice are common, then it's only a matter of time before you see one in your home, too. The thing about mice is that they tend to send out scouts before they completely move into a place. Seeing one does not mean that you have a mouse problem -- yet. It does mean that you need to kick into super-vigilant mode to keep other mice from coming in, though. Read More 

7 Tips For Preventing Mosquitoes At Home

Mosquito bites can make those summer barbecues much less fun, leading to painful and itchy bites that seem to last forever. Mosquitoes also carry diseases that affect both humans and pets, so it's best to prevent them from breeding and lingering around your property in the first place. Here are a handful of effective ways to prevent or get rid of mosquitoes: Remove Objects That Collect Standing Water Mosquitoes breed in water, and, according to experts, they are especially fond of standing water that collects in man-made objects. Read More 

Pest Control: Signs That You May Have A Termite Infestation In Your Home

Termites are a pest that burrows into the wood of your home, causing structural damage throughout the dwelling. While you may not be able to see early termite damage, once there is an infestation in your home, there are clear signs for you to look for. Termites tend to dwell in areas that are wet, dark, and warmer in your home, so it's hard to find them before serious damage has already occurred. Read More 

Getting Fleas To Flee

If you have pets, then you are at a higher risk of having fleas brought in to your home. Not only will you want to prevent those fleas from coming in, but you also want to keep them off your animals for their health and well-being. Fleas can be extremely hard to deal with, so you should be proactive with regards to getting rid of fleas. Get the fleas off your pets Read More 

How To Prevent Ticks In Your Yard

Ticks are known to cause a very serious disease that is known as Lyme disease. Lyme disease can effect a human for the rest of their life. They will often have arthritis symptoms for several years all due to a bite from an insect that is less than 3mm big. These ticks are often found in wooded areas and can attach to your skin as you walk through tall grass or bushes. Read More