Tips For Keeping Squirrels From Inhabiting Your Living Space

While a group of squirrels playing up in trees at a park is joyous to watch, those same squirrels setting up housekeeping in your living space isn't such a fun thing. In fact, squirrels are considered to be a pest just like rodents, bees, and termites. Like their distant relative, the rat and mouse, squirrels are also rodents and will inflict serious damage to your home if you don't keep them away. Read More 

Learn How To Protect Your Home From Pests This Winter

When the temperatures start to cool, animals and insects often start to look for warm places to stay in to avoid the cold winter weather. Getting rid of pests once they are in your house can be quite a hassle. Protect your home from a pest invasion this winter with the help of a pest control company. The following guide walks you through a few ways the pest company can help you protect your home before cold weather hits. Read More 

Four Reasons Why Rat Removal Has To Happen

People keep rats as pets, right? So, what is the big deal about spotting a wild rat? Why are more rats coming into the cities where there were none before? Answers to these questions, as well as reasons why rat removal has to happen, follow. Domesticated Rats Are Different from Wild Rats Domesticated rats are often the same kind of rats kept for lab experiments. They have been tamed and are less likely to bite. Read More 

Did Your New Home Come With Uninvited Guests? 3 Steps Toward Getting A Pest Infestation Under Control

When you first bought your home, you knew that it would take a little work. Looking back, you can even remember seeing a few signs of past pest invasions such as rodent droppings in the corners of the pantry. However, you never dreamed that you would be dealing with an infestation so bad that it required residential pest control services right away. Unfortunately, infestations quickly escalate, but you can get your house's pest issue under control by using these strategies. Read More 

How To Humanely Remove Rabbits From Your Garden

Rabbits are one of the most common residents of your yard and garden, and though they may look cute, they can be a serious pest to your plants and vegetables. Large populations of rabbits can quickly and efficiently chew their way through your lawn, digging up bulbs and plants and leaving behind a trail of general destruction and dead plants. Thankfully, if you have a large rabbit population around your home, there are a number of things that you can do to humanely reduce their population. Read More