Getting Fleas To Flee

If you have pets, then you are at a higher risk of having fleas brought in to your home. Not only will you want to prevent those fleas from coming in, but you also want to keep them off your animals for their health and well-being. Fleas can be extremely hard to deal with, so you should be proactive with regards to getting rid of fleas.

Get the fleas off your pets

The very first step will be to get rid of the fleas on your pets. You can have them go to a groomer for a flea dip or you can do it yourself. If you decide to get rid of the fleas yourself, make sure they are old enough for the shampoo. You want to bathe them with the flea dip shampoo, making sure to not get it in their eyes, ears and nose. After your pet is bathed, dry them and then comb or hand-pick fleas off of them. If any are still alive, you can put them in a jar of isopropyl alcohol.

Once you have removed the fleas, it's important for you to keep your pets somewhere else where they won't be exposed to any more. This means having a family member or friend hold them for you while you work on getting rid of the fleas in your house.

Getting fleas out of your house

You should use a natural flea spray around your house, so you don't risk exposing your pets and/or children to dangerous chemicals. You can make your own flea spray by mixing a half- gallon of vinegar, a quarter-gallon of water, a cup of lemon juice, and a half-cup of witch hazel. Put the mixture in a spray bottle and use it to spray your carpet and furniture.

After you have sprayed the house, vacuum the furniture and carpeting. Make sure you don't miss any areas. Remove the bag immediately and throw it away in an outside trash can. Take any fabric items that can't be vacuumed and wash and dry them with plenty of heat.

You should do this process for about a week to ensure you have got rid of all the fleas and eggs. Once you notice there are no more fleas, you can bring your pets back home. Consider putting a flea collar on them to prevent them from picking up any fleas when they go outside. Also, check them a couple times a day and remove any you find on them. If you continue having problems, it may be time to call out a commercial pest control company like Rice's Inc Termite & Pest Control.
